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Mobifriends Review 2024

Mobifriends Review 2024
About Site
Active Audience 95%
Quality Matches 90%
Popular Age 21-35
Profiles 900 000
Reply Rate 89%
Ease of Use 6.5
Fraud Very Rarely
Registration Free
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Pros and Cons

  • Several million users worldwide and high daily activity on the site;
  • Registration and communication is free, and you can use all the features without restrictions immediately after registration;
  • Simple and user-friendly interface;
  • Multifunctional Mobifriends app for smartphone communication;
  • Pleasant design;
  • There is a video messenger;
  • Moderators check profile photos for authenticity;
  • Rules on the site are strict;
  • You can register via Facebook;
  • Mobifriends can be used for a variety of purposes, including friendship and dating.
  • Video chat is only available on the desktop version of the site;
  • The number of photos to upload is limited. You can upload no more than 10 of your best photos;
  • The desktop version lacks the advanced communication features that are available to users in the Mobifriends app;
  • You can only register a profile as a man or a woman, and there is no place for other genders.

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The dating platform Mobifriends is very famous and popular among users all over the world. The number of registered members is more than 4 million, and this figure is impressive. What is so good about this platform? Let’s look at all the pros and cons in this Mobifriends review.

The first launch of the platform took place 15 years ago. It was created for dating and the comfortable communication of people from Spain. That is why the Mobifriends site did not support English and was designed only for the Spanish audience. However, the service became available in the U.S. and European countries later, instantly getting users’ approval and good reviews.

Mobifriends Summary


Free communication, friendship, flirting, finding people with similar views, the opportunity to arrange a date of your dreams or start a serious relationship – all this offers Mobifriends site. The site has an intuitive interface and is very easy to use. It’s enough to register to use all the features. A wide range of functions will diversify communication, and the handy Mobifriends app will let you always stay in touch with your friends via smartphone, no matter where you are. Our quick search function allows you to find a person you want to get in touch with instantly without having to fill in dozens of profiles and complicated filters. There are several methods through which users can interact with each other. You can use the built-in Mobis messenger to send short messages, video messenger, or send an email.

The Audience of Mobifriends


In order to communicate comfortably, it is important to understand what kind of audience you will encounter on the site. Mobifriends review shows that the number of registered single men and women on the site is about equal. Every day more than 30,000 new visitors from all over the world join the site. They trust the Mobifriends site service and are looking for companionship. The peculiarity of the site is that the audience is not focused only on sexual communication or short-term relationships. People who are looking for friends, want to share hobbies, and just talk are also comfortable here. How comfortable will it be on Mobifriends site for members of sexual minorities? Here you can be yourself whatever you are, open up to the world, feel free to express yourself, as you will not face condemnation or discrimination.

Mobifriends Site Features


The main idea of Mobifriends online platform is fun communication and ease of dating. All this is free for people worldwide. You can meet people with common hobbies, exchange messages, flirt, and try to find your love among hundreds of thousands of single men and women. Mobifriends site has a simple and clear user interface and search engine. To start searching for people and chatting, you first need to register. For this, you need to indicate your cell phone number and email address. The administration of the site guarantees the complete confidentiality of these data. Next, you will be asked to specify your gender, age, location, and other information about yourself, which will help you find like-minded people.



What sets Mobifriends dating service apart from other similar sites – you won’t find a premium account here. You can communicate for free without any restrictions. There are no categories or memberships, no subscriptions. All members are absolutely equal regardless of gender, location, social status, or financial situation. Isn’t this an example of an ideal society, even if it exists only in a virtual environment?

Advantages of Paid Account


Although the desktop version of Mobifriends is free for every member, when using the Mobifriends app, you may see some additional features that you will have to pay for. For example, you can purchase access to built-in features to expand your communication options and have more interesting interactions with other users. You can also permanently disable annoying advertising considerations that may appear in the app for an additional fee.

Possibility of Free Account


You don’t have to pay to get access to all the features of the Mobifriends site, including unlimited messages, calls, and search requests. Once you find someone you’re interested in, you can use various options to connect. The most popular way to communicate with other members is by texting them. Another popular method is video chat, the use of which is also absolutely free. Unfortunately, in the Mobifriends app, there is no video chatting at the moment. You can use this feature only via the desktop version. Maybe the developers will add this function in the nearest future.



Mobifriends site has a long history and values its reputation, so security issues are given special attention. The privacy policy ensures that each user’s data is protected and cannot be passed on to third parties.

Strict age restrictions ensure that only users who are of legal age can access dating. The Mobifriends site does not allow people under the age of 18 to create profiles. In this way, children and teenagers are protected from sexual content or abusive behavior, and adult members of the community will not be in trouble with the law for communicating openly with minors.

It is worth noting that no online platform can guarantee that fraudsters will not try to contact you, or blackmail will not be used against you. Although the Mobifriends site takes all the necessary measures and quickly blocks such accounts, unpleasant situations have occurred. The most common are attempts to hack into the page, as well as requests to show intimate content, which can later be used for blackmail.

Scam Charges

The founders of Mobifriends site wanted to create a safe community for dating, friendship, and communication, so the administration takes all the necessary precautions to protect users from communication with fake accounts or fraud. So the risk of being deceived here is minimal.

An effective algorithm has been developed to combat fake pages. The site administrator checks the profile description against the activity and also looks at uploaded photos. Both the desktop versions of the Mobifriends site and the Mobifriends app are equally good at tracking location, triggering email verification, and integrating an existing Facebook account. That’s why it’s difficult to create a fake profile here, unlike other free dating sites.

Contact Information


Another nice difference between Mobifriends’ site and similar free dating sites is strong user support. If you have any questions related to the registration process or access to the site’s features, you can find a solution and all the details on the support page. If you have not found an answer to your question, want to leave a wish or complaint, you can contact the company by email or through the feedback form.

The “Tell Mobifriends” feature is a special option for users to report any abusive behavior, community rules violations, or problems with other members. Members who do not comply or break the rules are expelled and are not allowed to register on the Mobifriends site again.


Very often, Mobifriends site users ask questions about how photos are verified. It is enough to make sure that the photos you want to upload belong to you personally and do not violate the rules of the community:

  • This is not offensive material;
  • Photos do not contain explicit content;
  • These are not fake pictures.

Is it possible to block someone you don’t want to communicate with? Yes, it’s very easy to do. Just select the exclamation mark icon. You can also use this option to send a complaint to moderators about rule violations.

Many people worry about whether they can delete their Mobifriends site account if they no longer want to use it. Not all members plan to communicate constantly through the dating site. Some people aim to find love and build a family, in which case an active profile on the dating site can create problems. You can deactivate your profile in the settings by selecting this function from the offered options.

Mobifriends – Is There a Problem With the Law?

After reading the documents, the user agreement, and the privacy policy in this Mobifriends review, we can conclude that this site is legitimate and safe. You can use it without fear. It is enough to follow the simple rules to avoid meeting scammers. Also, you should report to moderators about all suspicious participants or rule violators. They will be immediately blocked without the possibility of restoring the account.

Is There a Pricing Policy on the Mobifriends Site?

You won’t find any subscription plans, premium accounts, or other paid services on Mobifriends. All features in the desktop version are available completely free of charge. At the same time, it is possible to make purchases in the Mobifriends app to expand the communication features and turn off advertising messages.

Multifunctional Mobifriends App – Only for Android?

Not many free dating sites are willing to offer their users the app without the slightest restrictions and with the full functionality of the platform’s desktop version. Mobifriends makes it possible to use a convenient smartphone app with a lot of options. Do not stop communicating when you are not at home. With the Mobifriends app, your friends are always with you on your smartphone, but with one small caveat. This statement is true only if you are a user of a mobile device based on the Android operating system. For IOS users, only the mobile version of the site is currently available, which is, of course, less convenient than using the application. The creators report that the development work is in progress, and soon owners of smartphones with IOS will be able to download a test version of the application. For now, the Mobifriends app can only be downloaded from Google play.

Mobifriends Site Available to Users Worldwide

Originally developed for Spaniards, today Mobifriends site is popular in many countries around the world. Since 2007, millions of people around the globe have met, made friends, and found love thanks to Mobifriends. You can find friends worldwide.

How Easy Is It to Register on the Mobifriends Site?

User registration is one of the first and most important steps to start using any dating platform. Obviously, every new member needs to provide some data about themselves when registering. Ideally, if the entire process takes 2-3 minutes of time and does not cause difficulties. How are things with the time it takes to register, and how difficult is it to join the Mobifriends site?

Here are a few steps you need to follow to register:

  • Go to the Mobifriends.com homepage, select your preferred language, and click the signup button.
  • Fill out the form with your name, date of birth, your address, and an email. You will receive a verification link to your email.
  • Next, you need to confirm that you are over 18 years old and accept the privacy policy and cookie usage provided by the Mobifriends site.
  • You can then upload your photos and add additional information about yourself. This will help draw attention to your profile, find your soul mate faster and make it easier to meet people to talk to.

Thus, registration will take at least 5 minutes of your time. However, for Facebook users, there is a nice opportunity to simplify this procedure. It is enough to press the button “Sign in via Facebook.” The program automatically synchronizes with your profile and enters all information almost instantly. This is very convenient, fast, and secure because the Mobifriends site will not get access to your personal data you don’t mean to share.

Want to discuss hobbies, talk to like-minded people, or enjoy socializing in a singles chat? The Mobifriends site community never sleeps and always welcomes a new member. The handy Mobifriends app lets you stay connected wherever you are and feel the whole world in your pocket. This is definitely a good site for single men and women looking for casual dating, friendship, or a serious relationship. Mobifriends is definitely worth trying.

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